Kairos Soul Time, Sunday, December 17th at 6:00pm

Kairos Soul Time

Sunday, December 17th
This workshop is your invitation to step into Kairos time. Kairos time is soul time; where our soul takes the lead over our mind. In this time when we allow the divine guide us. Kairos is an opportunity to go within. To listen to your soul's whispers. To dream. Create. To let go, go, go.... 

More About This Workshop...

This workshop is your invitation to step into Kairos time. Kairos time is soul time; where our soul takes the lead over our mind. In this time when we allow the divine guide us. Kairos is an opportunity to go within. To listen to your soul’s whispers. To dream. Create. To let go, go, go…. 

To surrender, and ground yourself right where you are.

This month’s session will be focused on finding your place of grounded peace and within the chaos. 

This workshop will include

  • reiki/energy healing
  • time for deep relaxation, rest, and integration
  • carefully curated/themed playlist

You will be lying down for approximately 80 minutes. Please bring your mat, your favorite blanket or anything else that may make you comfortable physically. You also may want to bring some water.

Allow yourself to slow down and just be in the moment with your body and soul…in Kairos.