Cloud9 Reiki Soundbath

Sound Bath with Teresa Bennett-Yates

Sunday, December 10th
The sounds introduced during a Sound Bath are an invitation into a deeper state of consciousness, an opportunity to unplug from external stimuli and to gain perspective on what’s going on within you. The goal of the experience is to invite deep rest and relaxation, and explore self-inquiry and self-discovery.

More About This Workshop...

The sounds introduced during a Sound Bath are an invitation into a deeper state of consciousness, an opportunity to unplug from external stimuli and to gain perspective on what’s going on within you. The goal of the experience is to invite deep rest and relaxation, and explore self-inquiry and self-discovery.

You will be immersed in sounds and vibrations with Himalayan singing bowls,  gongs, chimes, drums , crystal bowls, and many other vibrational sound instruments.

About : Teresa Bennett-Yates is owner and operator of Cloud 9 in Calabash North Carolina, a licensed and certified vibrational sound therapist. Teresa‘s goal is to bring a state of relaxation and healing in every session.