Full Moon Yin, Nidra & Sound, Sunday, March 24th at 2:00pm

Yin Nidra & Sound Healing with Mert Wray, ERYT-500

Saturday, March 24th
Come nourish and relax deeply and get back into rhythm with your heart. 

More About This Workshop...

The practice of Yin yoga uses long held poses to increase circulation in the joints and increases flexibility targeting deep connective tissue such as the ligaments and fascia. Hands on assists will be offered. It will be followed up by perhaps the sweetest of all yoga styles Yoga Nidra or “yogic sleep.”

This practice is performed by lying down as comfortably as possible. Mert will get you settled in with sound healing using crystal bowls, Koshi chimes and the ocean drum. After which you be guided into a state of meditation centered around the experience of inner body.

Come nourish and relax deeply and get back into rhythm with your heart.